Rohner Finishing Systems is chosen by many commercial and military manufacturers to meet stringent aerospace process environments. The Rohner design, engineering and project management team have completed numerous successful class A finishing facilities.

Corrosion control and maintenance is a critical process necessary to support our military and defense base. Rohner has constructed maintenance facility comprised of chemical stripping, media blast removal, and temperature humidity-controlled paint booth. Rohner meets and exceeds the requirements of NAVFAC and the Army Corps of Engineers as outlined by Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC).

Technology advances have allowed Rohner to provide energy efficient and environmentally safe solutions. Recirculation, HEPA and ULPA filtration and heat recovery are just a few of the technologies used by Rohner to address the global environmental challenge of keeping it green. Rohner is the leading finishing solutions provider trusted by the aerospace industry.


Learn more:

Paint Finishing Challenges in the Aerospace and Defense Industries

Advanced Finishing Systems for Military and Aviation 

Rohner- Depaint Dust Collectors
Rohner - Military Control Panel
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Aerospace & defense