Process Oven Configurations: Elevated, Side Entry, and Bottom Fed

Process Oven Configurations: Elevated, Side Entry, and Bottom Fed

Process Oven Configurations: Elevated, Side Entry, and Bottom Fed

 If you manage powder coatings, liquid paints, or composite materials, selecting the right oven configuration is crucial. The quality and efficiency of your process oven can significantly impact the final product. There are three main process oven configurations including elevated, side entry, and bottom fed. Which one is right for your facility? Here are some common uses and benefits for the different oven configurations.

Elevated Ovens
An elevated oven is designed so the heat source is located above the material being processed. This configuration provides uniform heat distribution, reduced contamination, and provides space efficiency by saving floor space. Elevated ovens are used for powder coatings on metal parts like automotive components, appliances, and architectural structures. 

Side Entry Ovens
A side entry oven features a heat source on the sides of the chamber. The design provides enhanced accessibility allowing the user to make product adjustments or inspections during the process when needed. The side entry oven can also accommodate conveyors or manual loading for more flexibility, as well as more controlled airflow patterns for different coatings. Side entry ovens are often used for composite materials and liquid coatings when products need to be moved or adjusted during the process. 

Bottom Fed Ovens
A bottom fed oven has the heat source located at the base of the oven, which allows heat to rise naturally. This allows for consistent temperatures in the oven as well as effective circulation, which can help with thick or multi-layer coatings that require more curing time. These ovens provide great energy efficiency with less assistance in maintaining uniform temperatures. Bottom fed ovens are used for heavy and bulky items like metal and fiberglass fabrications. 
Choosing the Right Oven Configuration
Selecting the oven configuration that will work best for your facility depends on several factors, including the type of coating, the size and shape of the products, and specific process requirements. For powder coating operations, elevated ovens are preferred for uniform heat distribution. For liquid paints, side entry ovens allow for flexibility and accessibility. Composite coatings can use both side entry and bottom fed, depending on the specific needs for each product. 

Optimizing your coating process by selecting the right oven will enhance the quality and efficiency for your components and products. Rohner has a wide range of custom ovens to meet your finishing needs. If you are using powder, liquid, or composite coatings in your finishing process, we can help design the right solution for your facility. Talk to our team today to get started


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