Choosing the right paint booth is critical to ensure a flawless finish on products and components. A cross-draft spray booth is a popular choice for many manufacturers due to the efficiency and accuracy of the finish. Here are some of the common applications and benefits of using a cross-draft spray booth.
How does a Cross-Draft Booth Work?
Cross-draft spray booths are designed to move air horizontally, to push air across the workspace. Unlike other spray booths with air moving from top to bottom, the cross-draft booth allows air to flow horizontally to cover both sides of the part or component. They are used across a variety of industries due to the efficiency and flexibility.
Industry Applications
Across industries, cross-draft spray booths provide a corrosion-resistant, flawless finish. Auto body shops use cross-draft booths to paint vehicles and vehicle parts, while manufacturers use cross-draft booths to apply protective coatings on machinery and tools. In the aerospace industry, the booths are used for aircraft parts and components to provide an even finish. For furniture and wood pieces, cross-draft booths provide a smooth finish with minimal overspray. Metal fabricators use these booths to paint parts, panels and other metal structures to create uniform coverage.
Benefits of Using a Cross-Draft Spray Booth
Cross-draft spray booths are a popular finishing choice because they are cost-effective and do not require complex installation like other booths. The horizontal airflow prevents overspray and contaminants in the booth with a front to back airflow versus top to bottom. In smaller facilities or workshops, cross-draft booths take up less space and can fit into small spaces. They also have fewer components than other booth styles, so they reduce operational costs and are easier to maintain.
If you are looking for a cost-effective, efficient finishing solution, a cross-draft spray booth may be the right option for you. Rohner designs and builds finishing systems that work for your facility. Our team of engineers can help integrate new systems into your existing operations. Talk to our team to get started and see if a cross-draft booth is right for your finishing needs.
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